Yidaki (Didgeridoo) Basics
Yidaki (Didgeridoo) Basics
Service Description
The Yidaki (Didgeridoo) is an an Aboriginal sacred instrument traditionally played by the indigenous peoples of Australia in spiritual and ritual ceremony. It is considered to be one of the oldest instruments and has a hauntingly familiar ancestral tone and resonance. Participants in this eight half-hour series of classes will learn the basics of playing the Yidaki including exercises and techniques to enhance breathing capacity. Circular breathing will be explored and encouraged for participants to develop over time. An inexpensive bamboo didgeridoo is more than adequate to learn the basics and help participants decide if they want to invest in a more expensive and durable instrument later. Payment is due prior to the first class. Upon receipt of payment, participant will be sent the Zoom login information. Please login at least 10 minutes before the class begins. You’ll be stationed in a Waiting Room area until the instructor opens the class session.